// What I’ve Been Up To: London // Day 3 //

Today has been the longest and the most tiring day ever. I had to wake up early to get to a hair appointment, running on probably 5 hours or less of sleep..without having my coffee first. Ugh, first world problems. Lunch made up for the rushy-tiring morning though. I was craving Korean food so we [...]

// What I’ve Been Up To: London // Day 2 //

I had another late start to the day, probably cause I could not sleep until 5am... We weren't planning on doing much anyways today, besides picking up Halim's aunt and uncle from the train station. After dropping them off at their hotel, Halim decided that he wanted to go to Covent Garden. Our first stop [...]

// What I’ve Been Up To: London // Day 1 //

So, for those who don't follow me on Instagram, I posted a poll yesterday asking if you guys would be interested in seeing more lifestyle and/or personal posts on my blog and the majority voted yes! I also received other suggestions, like food and fashion. Which are also great ideas and I definitely will be [...]

// May Haul //

Some of you may know that I'm currently in the UK for a few weeks with my boyfriend. I've been here for about a week-ish and recently went to London for a couple of days. London was amazing by the way, got to taste a lot of good food and had a great time exploring. [...]